He had it Comin’!

You know, ever since I became a mommy, I’ve said that inside each and every mother is a warrior.

An assassin.

But I think Girlfriend took it to a whole new level.

Now, please don’t mistake me. This is a bit… extreme.

However, I don’t know the cultural customs of Turkey. So, it’s very possible she could have ended up being under attack by the public as well as by her assailant upon the birth of her child.

She wanted to not have the child at all, but since that’s illegal in Turkey, it wasn’t likely to happen.

And she was still facing abuse from her rapist in both physical and psychological form.

She definitely seemed to be in a “Damned if you do, damned if you don’t” situation.

So, like any mother wanting to protect herself and her child, she took extreme action. Really extreme.

She shot him 10 times, stabbed him repeatedly and then decapitated dude! She went O-ren Ishii on his ass!

I don’t want to condone violence, but for her rapist to continue torturing her, threatening her, knowing he would never face punishment… He rapes the woman, impregnantes her and threatens to destroy her honor and reputation by telling her family, showing them photos of her.

Not to sound callous, but he kind of asked for that.

And I don’t agree with her reasoning for it, but she really earned the title of “Badass Mother” today!