Another Closing of Another Show

Well, kids.
Tomorrow is your last chance to see GREEN! the Musical. 9 pm at the Gene Frankel Theater. I’ve had some fun with this show and I loved working with my friends. Heck, I even had a chance to make costumes. I never get to do that. And I think I did a pretty darn good job, if I do say so myself. And I shall say so.

But, I’m curious to do more. Since one of the guys will be out of commission for a while, the band will take a hiatus until the next show.
In the interim, I want to schedule some auditions and do some work on the audition process as well as treading the boards as myself, not just as 1/3 of the Icky House Club. Although I intend on keeping you posted on future Icky goings-on, I could use another project. Something of a Shakespearean ilk would be cool.

I’ve also been thinking about writing more. Once upon a time, I was an English major and a lit geek. Well, you know, moreso than now. At any rate, getting back to that can be liberating and can stir the creative senses. We can all use a little creative stirring every now and then.